Product News

A new smile in just a few hours

Miguel Stanley

Grandio blocs are perfect for producing and placing restorations in just a few hours.


Time savings for the patient and dentist alike are an important argument in modern dentistry, with a high-quality and aesthetically pleasing restoration as the result. That is optimally achievable with Grandio blocs, the nanoceramic hybrid CAD/CAM blocks. For one thing, the time-consuming firing process is no longer necessary and for another, the blocks can be processed more quickly using milling devices. The aesthetics are every bit as good as with ceramic systems, not least thanks to the excellent polishability of Grandio blocs and disc. Individualisation or customisation of the restorations produced from Grandio blocs is also possible in next to no time and with the greatest of ease thanks to the adhesive technique.


Given their far superior material strength, the fully polymerised blocks set new standards. At a filler content of 86%, Grandio blocs are the most highly filled in their class. The biaxial flexural strength also achieves outstanding values which are normally only associated with silicate ceramics, but the Grandio bloc is significantly more antagonist-friendly. Another plus is that Grandio blocs can be milled more finely to achieve an even greater accuracy of fit.

Grandio blocs can be processed using standard milling devices. They come in two sizes for inlays/onlays and single crowns as well as in two translucency levels for anterior and posterior restorations.


Furthermore, Grandio blocs are also available as discs in the form of Grandio disc.


But don’t just take our word for it: see for yourself and check out Miguel Stanley’s impressive case (Private Practice at White Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal):


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