Product News

VisCalor bulk - thermoviscous bulk fill composite

Combines the benefits of both flowable and sculptable materials

VisCalor bulk - thermoviscous bulk fill composite

For dentists, restorative treatments are an everyday procedure. Depending on the type of cavity, there are various options available. If an adhesive technique is selected, there is then another decision to be made. Dentists often start by using a flowable composite, which flows optimally onto the cavity walls in the area of the cavity floor, but is then difficult to sculp. To solve this problem, the dentist either uses a sculptable material as an additional layer, or alternatively may decide to use a sculptable bulk composite right from the outset, which can be placed in a single step.


The job of deciding which technique to use is now a thing of the past because with VOCO’s VisCalor bulk, there is now a new composite that combines the benefits of both techniques (composite bonded to flow). VisCalor bulk is the world’s first restorative material with “thermoviscous technology”, which has been specially developed for heating up. The extraoral warming means that the composite can initially be placed in the cavity in flowable form, but then changes its consistency within a few seconds to become sculptable.


VisCalor bulk is heated to approx. 68°C before it can be applied. It is also a 4 mm bulk material and does not need to be applied in layers. VisCalor bulk is available in four shades (A1, A2, A3, universal) and covers the entire indication range for classes I, II and V restorations.
