

Mixing tips type 6 (6号混合头)

适用于临时冠桥树脂系列材料 Provicol C, Structur Premium, Structur 2 , Structur 3
Mixing tips type 6

    Mixing tips type 8 (8号混合头)

    适用于硅胶软村,硅胶硬村 Ufi Gel hard C, Ufi Gel SC
    Mixing tips type 8

      Mixing tips type 9 (9号混合头)

      适用于冠桥测试材料 Bifix Temp, Fit Test C & B
      Mixing tips type 9

        Mixing tips type 10 (10混合头)

        适用于临时冠桥树脂和临时冠桥粘结剂的快速混合包装 Meron Plus QM, Provicol QM, Provicol QM Plus, Quick Up, Structur 2 快速混合包装, Structur 3 快速混合包装
        Mixing tips type 10

          Mixing tips type 11 (11号混合头)

          适用于 Bifix QM, Fit Test C & B 配合1号根管注射头, Grandio Core Dual Cure 快速混合包装, Rebilda DC 快速混合包装
          Mixing tips type 11

            Mixing tips type 12 (12号混合头)

            适用于Rebilda DC 混配枪管装
            Mixing tips type 12

              Mixing tips type 14 (14号混合头)

              适用于 Bifix SE, Perfect Bleach Office+
              Mixing tips type 14

                Mixing tips type 15 (15号混合头)

                适用于 Bifix SE, Perfect Bleach Office+(配合1号根管注射头)
                Mixing tips type 15

                  Mixing tips type 16 (16号混合头)

                  适用于 Registrado Clear, Registrado Scan, Registrado X-tra, V-Posil Heavy Soft Fast in cartridge, V-Posil Mono Fast 管装 (配合2号口内使用头)
                  Mixing tips type 16

                    Mixing tips type 19 (19号混合头)

                    适用于 Rebilda DC 混配枪管装, 针头可弯曲
                    Mixing tips type 19

                      Mixing tips type 20 (20号混合头)

                      适用于 die silicone 硅橡胶复制材料
                      Mixing tips type 20

                        Application cannulae type 40 (40号操作针头)

                        适用于Fissurit F / FX
                        Application cannulae type 40

                          Application cannulae type 41 (41号操作针头)

                          适用于Admira Fusion Flow, Calcimol LC, Grandio / SO Flow, Ionoseal, LC Dam
                          Application cannulae type 41

                            Application cannulae type 42 (42号操作针头)

                            Application cannulae type 42

                              Application cannulae type 44 (44号操作针头)

                              适用于 Admira Flow, Amaris Flow, Arabesk Flow, Block Out Gel LC, Quick Up LC, Twinky Star Flow
                              Application cannulae type 44

                                Application cannulae type 45 (45号操作针头)

                                适用于 Amaris Gingiva, Cimara Opaquer LC, FinalTouch, Grandio Seal
                                Application cannulae type 45

                                  Application cannulae type 46 (46号操作针头)

                                  适用于Admira Fusion x-base, Clip Flow, GrandioSO Heavy Flow, x-tra base
                                  Application cannulae type 46

                                    Application cannulae type 47 (47号操作针头)

                                    适用于 Calcicur
                                    Application cannulae type 47

                                      Application cannulae type 48 (48号操作针头)

                                      Application cannulae type 48

                                        Intraoral tips type 1 (1号根管注射头)

                                        适用于 Bifix QM, Bifix SE, Perfect Bleach Office+, Rebilda DC 快速混合注射器装在根管内的注射使用
                                        Intraoral tips type 1

                                          Intraoral tips type 2 (2号口内使用头)

                                          适用于Registrado Clear, Registrado Scan, Registrado X-tra
                                          Intraoral tips type 2

                                            Intraoral tips type 3 (3号口内使用头)

                                            适用于 Rebilda DC 混配枪管装, V-Posil Light Fast, V-Posil X-Light Fast
                                            Intraoral tips type 3

                                              Intraoral tips type 4 (4号口内使用头)

                                              for Bifix QM, Grandio Core Dual Cure in the QuickMix syringe, Rebilda DC in the QuickMix syringe
                                              Intraoral tips type 4

                                                Micro Tim (一次性纤细棉球毛刷头)

                                                Micro Tim

                                                  Disposable brushes (一次性毛刷头)

                                                  Disposable brush

                                                    Brush holder (刷柄)

                                                    适用于 VOCO disposable dental brushes 和 Micro Tim
                                                    Brush holder

                                                      Single Tim (单支棉球毛刷)

                                                      Single Tim

                                                        Endo Tim (根管内应用毛刷)

                                                        Endo Tim

                                                          Easy Brush (长柄运用型毛刷)

                                                          Easy Brush

                                                            Mixing pads (调拌纸)

                                                            70 × 80 mm, 胶粘式背面
                                                            Mixing pads

                                                              Mixing palettes (调拌盘)

                                                              Mixing palettes