Precision impression material, VPS

Highly hydrophilic A-silicone for maximum precision

High dimensional accuracy

Long working time combined with a short intraoral setting time

High recovery after deformation

Good hydrophilicity, even after setting, renders pouring and thus the prosthetic restoration perfect

  • ≤ 2 min
    Product Icon25
  • ≥ 2 min
    Product Icon24
Processing time
This product shows the maximum extraoral working time.
Intraoral setting time
This product shows the specified minimum intraoral setting time.
V-Posil Heavy Soft Fast · V-Posil Putty Fast


V-Posil Putty Fast is used as preliminary material for

two-step putty-wash impression technique

one-step putty-wash impression technique

two-step putty-wash impression technique using a foil (plastic putty spacer)

one-step putty impression technique for forming functional peripheries

V-Posil Heavy Soft Fast is to be used as heavy bodied material for

one-step impression technique (simultaneous technique) using dual viscosities

two-step impression technique using dual viscosities

functional impressions

Product videos

More product videos
V-Posil - Precision impression material, VPS
V-Posil - Mauricio Watanabe and Christian Sánchez

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